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Was versteht man unter: Luftkeimsammlung
AirIDEAL 3P™ zur aktiven Luftkeimsammlung nach ISO 14698 ermöglicht wahlweise einen manuellen oder einen papierlosen Arbeitsablauf mittels Scanner und dazugehöriger Software.
In its recent guidelines “Pharmaceutical cGMP for the 21st century – A Risk-Based Approach”, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emphasised the on-going revolution in the Pharmaceutical Industry: “Pharmaceutical manufacturing evolves from an art to a science.”
In the context of this evolution and to pro-actively meet our customers’ needs, bioMérieux has upgraded its air IDEAL® 3P air sampler, in order to comply with these new requirements. The new air IDEAL® 3P has been developed and fully validated in partnership with external laboratories, expert in pharmaceutical sciences.
With air IDEAL® 3P, bioMérieux provides pharmaceutical manufacturers with a new standard in air sampling. Indeed, air IDEAL® 3P is the first air sampler giving full transparency on its collection efficiency.
Furthermore, the biological efficiency validated by a third party laboratory, in compliance with the ISO 14698-1 standard, highlighted the superior performance of this new instrument compared to the main commercially-available air samplers

Anbieter von Luftkeimsammlung
bioMérieux (Suisse) SA
Wir sind bestrebt, jedem Kunden und Projekt die besten Ideen und verantwortungsvollsten Innovationen zu bieten.
CRT Cleanroom-Technology AG
«Reine Produktivität» - Unser Ziel ist Ihr Mehrwert!
Luft. Sonst nichts. Mikrobielles Luftmonitoring vom Marktführer.
Particle Measuring Systems AG
Experten für Lösungen im Bereich der Kontaminationskontrolle seit 1972